The player can absorb different “colors” from blocks, but is only allowed to pass through certain barriers or cross specific gaps when they have the corresponding color. Each day introduces its own set of puzzles, and they all revolve around the theme of color. The main method by which the player is given to escape the hotel is sneaking into some back rooms and solving a number of puzzles, which initially start off simple but gradually introduce more and more elements as time goes by.

After a while, it becomes obvious that the most the game can threaten you with during these parts is an occasional jumpscare, and it becomes more of a chore than anything.

It also doesn’t help that the game’s constant reminders to “act normal” are just a story element and don’t have any actual impact on the moment to moment gameplay you can bounce gleefully down a hallway and the servers will regard you no more strangely than if you had just walked to the intended destination. I was taken a bit aback the first time glitches in the floor appeared and tables started defying the laws of gravity, but by the third day of it I found myself just shrugging my shoulders and moving right along. The game doesn’t exactly make much of an effort to disguise the fact that the hotel the player is in is some sort of simulation, and as the days go by, it struggles to find new ways to make it seem creepy and unsettling. The problem is, however, that horror is something that preys on the player’s feelings, and it’s only so long before The Spectrum Retreat runs out of tricks. Despite having a fairly extensive background with horror games, I found myself becoming increasingly jumpy after a server just showed up behind me out of seemingly nowhere and caught me sneaking into an off-limits area. There’s almost an element of horror in the game’s atmosphere during these mystery segments, mostly reinforced by the surprisingly unsettling soundtrack and the robot hosts. An equally mysterious voice on the protagonist’s phone tells them to follow a routine every day they’re there while remaining inconspicuous or they could be stuck in the hotel for good, and with that the game is off and running. The Spectrum Retreat makes some very good initial impressions the player wakes up in a mysterious hotel staffed by unmoving robotic servers. An odd combination to be sure, but is it one that ultimately holds up? Dan Smith Studios has attempted to fill those two voids simultaneously with The Spectrum Retreat one part mystery themed visual novel, one part Portal-esque physics puzzle title.

By Paul Broussard, posted on 16 August 2018 / 4,733 ViewsģD atmospheric mystery solving is somewhat of an underserved niche in modern gaming, and 3D puzzle solving even more so.